【NEW】ファーマーズマーケットの場を越えて。オンライン共同購入&ピックアップの取り組みをスタート Expanding the farmers market beyond UNU: Buy online and pick up


Together we are creating a flow of good produce directly from farmer to consumer and chef. 



Farmers market is a network of farmers, consumers and chefs gathering every Saturday and Sunday in front of United Nations University in Tokyo. 

The spread of COVID-19 has made us close the market which has served the lifeline for the city for ten years. However, this critical situation has also made us realise that our community is strong enough to keep connected and help each other.

Now that we find the importance in creating and strengthening community as well as in hosting the weekly market, we would like to enable the community of farmers, consumers and chefs to connect beyond the UNU location, and invite people from around Japan to join as well. 




How do we create a flow of good produce, relationships and knowledge?  



Our wish is to make an online platform that can facilitate this flow. The basic idea of the platform is: order farmers produce online and pick it up at a location in your local area. 


As a starting point, to develop this online platform, we want to test different communal pick up locations. The first one will be at COMMUNE, in Omotesando. 


*一部出店者さんの商品は、COMMUNE内にある常設Farmers Marketでも毎日購入できます!

COMMUNE also has a smaller farmers market, where you can buy produce from some farmers and greengrocers every day.



Farmers Marketの公式オンラインストアで注文することができます。

Choose a location and date for pick up.

Order before the deadline.

Pick up the produce at the selected location.

*2020年5月15日現在、ピックアップ場所は表参道駅周辺のCOMMUNEと駒澤大学駅周辺のBrooklyn Ribbon Friesです。今後さらに増える予定です!

As of 15 May, 2020, COMMUNE in Omotesando andBrooklyn Ribbon Fries are the pick up locations. We are working to test at even more locations!


Order by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday to pick up at 12:00-15:00 (may vary depending on location) on Saturday.


Bring your own bag when picking up your order. We also have a limited number of paper/cloth bags for you to borrow and bring back later.


DID YOU KNOW? なぜ、生産者との直接の関係が大切なのか?

食卓にたどり着くまでの、食べものの旅路 How much does food travel before arriving at our table?



Food mileage is calculated by multiplying the transportation distance with the volume of food transported. The higher the food mileage the larger the load placed on the global environment. Japan’s index in 2001 was 900 billion ton-kilometres, more than three times that of the United States, which has more than twice Japan’s population.


ロスになってしまう食べもの How much food is wasted in Japan?


In Japan, 6.12 million tonnes of food are wasted annually. 3.28 million tonnes of the food waste are produced by food suppliers. This could feed the entire population of Tokyo for one year!



In the conventional food supply chain, vegetables are sent from a producer to a farmers’ cooperative, wholesale markets, mass and/or small retailers before consumers receive them.

Vegetables are wasted in the wholesale and retailers’ sides as well as at production, because they are out of the market standard in size and shape.


農家さんの課題 What challenges are Japanese farmers facing?



(出典:農林水産省 食品流通段階別価格形成調査農林水産基本データ集

Of the retail price of vegetables, distribution costs account to 52.5% on average. This means that less than half of the price we pay for vegetables at supermarkets actually goes to the producer.

Also, the average age of farmers in Japan is 66.8, and about 70% of  Japanese farmers are over 65 years old.





青山ファーマーズマーケットでピックアップ&共同購入の取り組みは、日本の生協運動やアメリカ発のCSA(Community Supported Agriculture)、スウェーデン発のオンラインプラットフォーム「Local Food Nodes」からヒントを得ています。

Local Food Nodes(ローカル・フード・ノード)は、生産者と生活者を直接つないでローカルな食のサプライチェーンを生み出すプラットフォームで、自身も農家であるAlbin Ponnert氏によって設立されました。



There are many interesting initiatives offering different ways of purchasing food produce. We are inspired by the Japanese cooperative movement, American CSA and the Swedish platform Local food nodes. 

Local Food Nodes is an online platform hosting local food supply with direct connection between consumer and farmer. It was founded by Albin Ponnert, a Swedish farmer, based on his own experience as well as conversations with farmers across Sweden.

Aoyama Farmers Market is exchanging knowledge and ideas with Local Food Nodes. Creating an alternative to the conventional food supply chain is of local importance as well as global relevance – which is why we are grateful to engage with sparring partners from overseas.

