【受付終了 NOW CLOSED】ファーマーズマーケットで、新しいスタッフを募集します。Open Call for Farmers Market Team Members

【6/4更新:受付を締め切らせていただきました。多数のご応募をいただき、ありがとうございます。ご応募いただいた皆さまへは、順次ご連絡いたします。We have closed the application form due to a large number of applicants. Thank you for those who sent us your information, and we will get back to you soon.】

*English follows*




2020年。Farmers Market @ UNUが青山の地でスタートしてから10年以上の月日が経ちました。皆さんにとっての「新しい日常」になりたいと、10年前から、雨でも風でも雪でもできる限り開催を続けてきたのですが、今回のコロナウイルスは初めて毎週末の日常を失う出来事でした。世界中の多くの方にとっても、当たり前が変わる日々が、今もなお続いていることと思います。それは辛く、寂しいことでしたが、一方で自分たちの役割や働き方を見直す機会にもなりました。これも私たちに限ってのことではなく、悲しいことが起こった反面、新しいきっかけも多く生まれているのではないかと想像しています。


今回、Farmers Market @ UNUを運営している私たちNPO法人Farmers Market Associationでは、この秋に予定している新しいファーマーズマーケットの立ち上げを見据えて、新しいメンバーを募集したいと思います。

















  • CIRCULARITY(公園を起点に循環を生む)
  • COMMUNITY(多様性を楽しめるコミュニティをつくる)
  • START UP(小商いや新しいチャレンジを応援する)







Takigahara Farm
Appetite Press



土屋きみ、松丸里歩、Anna Jensen




1 フルタイム(業務委託→社員)



2 パートタイム(業務委託)




1 平日



2 土日




 東京メトロ 表参道駅から徒歩7分、渋谷駅から徒歩12分



 有楽町 東池袋駅から徒歩5分



1 平日



2 土日







職種や肩書はなく、ビジョンに沿ったコミュニティづくりを「1農家さん 2出店者さん(農家さん以外) 3サポーター(お客さんや応援してくれる方々)4 チーム(僕らや関係者)」という4つのコミュニティに分解し、その中に様々な役割を置いています。そして、メンバーそれぞれの得意なことや興味関心を元に、役割を分担しながら仕事を進めていっています。皆さんの役割も、実際に関わりながら決まっていきます。



  • ファーマーズマーケットの目指すものに共感し、一緒に事業として推進してくださる方
  • チームに多様性をもたらしてくれる方(年齢や性別、国籍は問いません)
  • 国籍は問いませんが、日本語でコミュニケーションと読み書きができる方
  • チームプレイを大切に、メンバー同士が変な気をつかわずに風通し良くコミュニケーションができる方
  • 屋外にいる時間もあるので、身体の弱くない方(ここも助け合いなので、最強じゃなくて大丈夫です笑)



1 フルタイム(業務委託→社員)


・月給 20万円〜 経験に応じて応相談





2 パートタイム(業務委託)


・月給 12万円〜 経験に応じて応相談







  1. 応募フォームに必要事項をご記入下さい。
  2. フォームの回答内容をもとに選考し、オンラインで面接させて頂きます。
  3. 面接内容をもとに選考し、実際に現場(マーケット)に来て頂いて具体的なお話をします。






This is an open call for Farmers Market team members.


Our Vision

With Aoyama Farmers Market we wish to bring together a community of chefs, eaters and farmers who are aware of both people and planet. Together we can imagine and shape the future of food and life!


Our Story

We would like to express our condolences to the people who lost their lives as a result of this new coronavirus infection, and we would like to thank all the medical professionals and people involved who continue to struggle on the front lines.


In 2020 more than 10 years has passed since Farmers Market @ UNU opened in Aoyama. For 10 years we have been open every single weekend no matter rain or shine, with the hope of making this market the “new normal” for everyone. 

The lockdown due to covid19 has asked us to close the market temporarily. It is unfortunate to pause this weekly connection with the farmers market community, but on the other hand it has given us a moment to rethink our work. We hope to make this situation a time for new and exciting things to emerge.  


The farmers market Association is looking for new members to join our team. We are an NPO, generating most of our income from the market itself, managing to sustain ourselves as an organisation without depending on external donations. Our strategy for change moves in iterations: try – fail – learn – try – succeed – learn.


都市 (toshi), the Japanese word for ‘city’, is made up of two kanji respectively meaning ‘metropolis’ and ‘market’. We define the ‘market’ as the opportunity for people to exchange things they love and need, and skills they have, so that we can help each other. We think it is our role to keep questioning how we can create such an opportunity in the present day, and what is really important for our community.


Another concept we value is 百姓 (hyakusho). Hyakusho is an older word for farmer in Japanese, but the kanji (hyaku, meaning hundred) and (sho, meaning works) indicates that farmers have been considered as people who can do hundred works –– from growing rice and making miso to making handicrafts out of rice straw.

We also frame hyakusho as a way of living in which one designs and enjoys their own life through multiple skills and experiences.


What we wish to do is to create a community by crossing the function of the market in the city with the lifestyle as hyakusho. By fostering open communications at the market, we are creating a community where people support and help the producers develop their potential.


However, this cannot be achieved by only humans, as our life is interconnected with nature. We want to pursue “野良 (norah, meaning wild, and consisting of two kanji that can be interpreted as ‘being good to nature’)”, that is, retrieve our connection with nature. Ultimately, by expanding such a community, we aim to change the whole concept of the city.

This is our vision. 


New Projects
What new projects are we working on?


In 2020 Toshima Green Disaster Prevention Park (called IKE SUNPARK) will open in Higashi Ikebukuro. There will be a farmers market, community garden and food cart gathering space within the park, which we are partly managing. IKE-SUNPARK is aiming to foster a better life for the surrounding citizens and beyond, through 3 main areas: 

  • CIRCULARITY (creating circulation both economically, socially, naturally etc. )
  • COMMUNITY (Creating a community that enjoys diversity)
  • START UP (support for small business and new challenges)


Online pick up

A collaborative Pick-Up Produce service by Aoyama Farmers Market – bringing our community together to share great produce. 

Farmers Market @ UNU is usually held in front of United Nations University every Saturday and Sunday. Due to covid19 the market has been temporarily closed. Together with our community of chefs, farmers and food producers we are setting up a pick-up produce service. We wish to spread the availability beyond UNU. We aim to develop this service, to become part of the regular farmers market. 


Related projects
What projects are connected to the farmers market?

Takigahara Farm


Appetite Press


Our Team

(From left to right)

Yusuke Tanaka / Wataru Tanaka / Kohei Okura / Taihei Hoshino
Kimi Tsuchiya / Riho Matsumaru / Anna Jensen


Job Description

How to work

  1. Full-time 

This full time position invites for a 5 day workweek, 8 hours per day. It will start with a 6-6 month trial period, where we can get to know each other. If both parties agree, you can become a full time employee for our team. As a full time employee you are allowed to do side jobs apart from your employment with us. 


  1. Part-time

This part time position invites for a 3-4 day workweek, 8 hours per day. As a part time employee you are allowed to do side jobs apart from your employment with us. 


Where to work

  1. Weekdays

You have the freedom to choose your workspace on weekdays. We move freely between our homes, cafes and Midoriso, which is our shared office in Omotesando. One of our team members is for example working from Hamamatsu, where he is having chickens and bees in his garden. We keep each other updated through slack and e-mail. On Thursdays we have our weekly meeting where we all meet up in Midoriso. 


  1. Saturday and Sunday

On weekends we are working at the Farmers Market venue in: 



United Nations University, 5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

7 minutes walk from Tokyo Metro Omotesando Station, 12 minutes walk from Shibuya Station



Higashi-Ikebukuro (Ike Sunpark) 4-42 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo

5 minutes walk from Higashi-Ikebukuro Station on the Yurakucho Line.


Working Hours

  1. Weekdays

Flextime system, with the core time being 11am-5pm. 


  1. Saturday and Sunday

Core time is from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

As well as shifts from 7:00am to 10:00am and 4:00pm to 7:00pm (setting up and taking down the market).


8 hours a day / 2 days a week / holidays


Job Description

This job does not have a title like: history teacher, nurse or chef. This Job is defined by principles rather than strict frames. It is about building community in line with the common vision of the market. A community of Farmers, Producers, Supporters and Us as the farmers market team. We as a team define our work roles together, based on skills, needs and interests. 


We are looking for the following people:

  • A person who shares the vision and goals of the farmers market and is willing to promote the business together with us. 
  • A person who brings a level of diversity to the team (knowledge, age, gender, nationality etc.) 
  • A person who is able to communicate in Japanese verbally and written. 
  • A team player who values teamwork and is able to communicate with other members in an open manner.
  • A person who is up for doing physical work (the market requires practical tasks like setting up tents etc.)


Conditions of recruitment 

  1. Full-time

You will be able to work with us after July 2020 (this may change depending on the reopening of the market).

Monthly salary is 200,000 JPY or more depending on experience. 

There is an additional fee in case you help setting up and taking down the market on Saturday and Sunday.

Employees are provided with transportation expenses (up to 30,000 JPY/month).


  1. Part-time

You will be able to work with us after July 2020 (this may change depending on the reopening of the market).

Monthly salary is 120,000 JPY or more depending on experience.
There is an additional fee in case you help setting up and taking down the market on Saturday and Sunday.


Application process

We are looking  for 4 people to join the Farmers Market team. 


The application process will be as following: 

  1. Fill in this google form
  2. We will select a group of people based on the google form and invite them for individual online meetings.
  3. We will select a couple of people based on the online meetings and invite for further conversation at the farmers market.


Application Form


