
わたしたちが原料として選ぶ小麦やライ麦はすべて身近なものです。それぞれに品種があり、産地があり、生産者がいて、それぞれに風土も、生育条件も、物語もちがいます。それぞれのゆたかな個性にまっすぐに向き合い、寄り添いながら、甘みやコクや香りや食感といった特性を最大限に引き出すことをわたしたちは大切にしています。身近にある麦や素材から、おいしさあふれるパンを焼く。それが、KANEL BREADのパンづくりです。

It all begins with the grains The wheat and rye we select for our breads are all ingredients we have discovered close at hand. Each is a distinct variety cultivated by a producer in a particular region, each is the product of differing growing conditions in its own specific climate, and each tells its own story. We carefully consider the unique characteristics of each grain to bring out its full potential in the flavor, aroma, character and texture of the breads we bake. Using domestically and locally produced grains and ingredients to bake breads overflowing with flavor – this is the passion that drives us at Kanel Bread.



Freshly baked bread, fresh daily happiness At Kanel, we strive to be a bakery that delights our customers, and also the producers who grow the wheat, rye and other ingredients which go into our breads. We choose our ingredients not only for the quality of the product, but also for the people who cultivate them, and we incorporate the philosophies of these producers into our baked goods. The delicious flavors of our breads reflect the individuals behind our ingredients and the earth from which they come, and this is what we serve, freshly baked, to our customers each day.